alex righetto 0343

Sponsorship Opportunities

“Sponsor ‘Romeo e Juliet’ and align your brand with the transformative power of art and storytelling.”

Advantages for Sponsors

  • Brand Visibility: Gain exposure through all promotional materials, events, and media coverage.
  • Fine Arts Association: Align your brand with the sophistication and cultural significance of fine arts.

Levels of Sponsorship and Benefits

  • Platinum Sponsor: As the highest level of sponsorship, enjoy prominent logo placement, exclusive VIP access to the exhibition, and private meetings with the artist.
  • Gold Sponsor: Benefit from secondary logo placement, VIP invites to opening night, and special recognition during events.
  • Silver Sponsor: Receive logo placement, tickets to the exhibition, and acknowledgement in select promotional materials.

Silver Sponsor

$2,500per event
  • Branding: Logo placement
  • Access: Tickets to the exhibition
  • Promotion: Acknowledgement in select promotional materials.

Platinum Sponsor

$7,500per event
  • Brand: prominent logo placement
  • Access: exclusive VIP access
  • Promotion: Omnipresent
  • Connection: private meetings with the artist

Inquiry Form

For those interested in the timeless beauty and narrative depth of the "Romeo e Juliet" collection, please submit your inquiry here.

    Collaboration Opportunities for Institutions

    Welcome to the dedicated portal for fostering collaborations with the “Romeo and Juliet” art collection by Alex Righetto.

    We invite institutions and art collectors to explore the opportunities for partnership and ownership of this exquisite series of artworks.

    Italian paintings in the Louvre Room 14 01 uai

    For Museums and Institutions

    Partnership and Sponsorship Inquiries

    “Romeo e Juliet” is more than an art collection; it’s a cultural experience that transcends the confines of traditional exhibitions.

    We are seeking partnerships with museums and institutions interested in bringing this reimagined tale of Romeo and Juliet to audiences worldwide.

    Collaboration Opportunities for Institutions:

    Hosting this collection offers a unique opportunity to immerse your audience in a tale that has captivated hearts for centuries. Here’s how institutions can collaborate to host the collection:

    • Exhibition Experience: Curate an immersive exhibition with Righetto's vibrant pieces that tell the story of Romeo and Juliet in a series of emotive chapters.
    • Educational Programming: Develop workshops, lectures, and guided tours that delve into the themes, techniques, and historical context of the collection.
    • Cross-Promotion: Collaborate on marketing efforts to reach broader audiences and generate a buzz that extends beyond traditional art circles.

    Benefits of Bringing 'Romeo e Juliet' to Your Venue

    • Cultural Enrichment: Enhance your cultural offerings with a collection that merges classic literature with contemporary art.
    • Audience Engagement: Attract a diverse audience, from art aficionados to literature enthusiasts and students, with a universally resonant theme.
    • Educational Impact: Provide a platform for learning and discussion around Shakespeare's works, Italian Renaissance art, and modern artistic expression.

    Benefits of Bringing 'Romeo e Juliet' to Your Venue

    • Interdisciplinary Appeal: Use the collection as a springboard for interdisciplinary education, connecting the dots between art, literature, and history.
    • Inspiring Creativity: Inspire visitors and students by showcasing the power of contemporary art to reinterpret classic stories in a modern context.

    Inquiry Form

    For those interested in the timeless beauty and narrative depth of the "Romeo e Juliet" collection, please submit your inquiry here.