Celebrating Our Supporters

Welcome to our Honor Roll, a special space dedicated to acknowledging the remarkable individuals, institutions, and companies that have played a pivotal role in bringing the “Romeo e Juliet” collection to life. Their support and contributions have been invaluable in sharing this unique artistic vision with the world.

Our Gratitude: A Tribute to Collaboration and Support

  • Stacy Francis
  • Roberta Bilato
  • Major Flavio Pozzani
  • Cheryl Hicks
  • Jamie Baulch
  • Monica Agami


  • Thais Mendez
  • Riccardo Cipriano
  • JP
  • Sophie Gosi

A Community United by Art and Passion

The “Romeo e Juliet” collection is not just a series of artworks; it’s a community effort that reflects the power of collaboration and shared passion for art and storytelling. We are deeply grateful to each individual, institution, and company listed here. Your support has been instrumental in bringing this project to fruition and ensuring its continued success.